High Performance Teams
Elevate Your Team’s Performance.
At HET, we believe in three tenets. Healthy and effective teams produce better results. Passion-driven organizations succeed when we bring our whole selves to work. Peak team experiences improve our lives and our ability to change the world.
We also believe that change starts with one person at a time. HET is a system for changing mindsets and behaviors at an individual level until a tipping point is reached and organizational culture improves as well. Our team is ready to help you team reach peak performance!
HET for Strategy Teams
We work with Strategy Teams to develop strategy, articulate it in a simple framework, prioritize work around the strategy, and actively manage its implementation. We helps teams organize themselves for success, use a clear decision-making process, and actively manage the portfolio of projects to achieve expected results.
HET for Project Teams
We help Project Teams organize their work around a clear goal and set of specific time-bound deliverables. We work with teams to break projects down into phases, sub-teams, deliverables, work streams, and ultimately action items so that roles are clear and you can drive accountability through singles points of responsibility. We help teams engage constructively throughout their work together.
HET for All
HET for All is designed for anyone who sponsors or works on projects with time-bound deliverables. We work with team leaders and members to help them be accountable for their work, engage constructively both within and outside the team, and get real work done through meetings that are efficient and effectively run.